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Evangelistic Lessons dans Fulfulde, Central-Eastern Niger: Wodaabe

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Lesson 1 - Introduction To Bible
Lesson 1 - Introduction To Bible
1.7 MB
 9′ 40″
Lesson 2 - God Before The Beginning
Lesson 2 - God Before The Beginning
1.3 MB
 7′ 16″
Lesson 3 - Where God Is
Lesson 3 - Where God Is
964 kB
 5′ 12″
Lesson 4 - God Created The Angels & Satans Rebellion
Lesson 4 - God Created The Angels & Satans Rebellion
2.1 MB
 11′ 48″
Lesson 5 - How God Created From Nothing
Lesson 5 - How God Created From Nothing
854 kB
 5′ 3″
Lesson 6 - Genèse 1:1-23
Lesson 6 - Genèse 1:1-23
2.5 MB
 14′ 55″
Lesson 7 - Genèse 1:24-31 (God Created Man)
Lesson 7 - Genèse 1:24-31 (God Created Man)
1.5 MB
 8′ 50″
Lesson 7 - God Created Man (Continued)
Lesson 7 - God Created Man (Continued)
1.3 MB
 7′ 54″
Lesson 8 - Genèse 2:1-17 (What Death Is)
Lesson 8 - Genèse 2:1-17 (What Death Is)
2.6 MB
 15′ 0″