The Living Christ - Lessons 4 - 6 in Kikuyu

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General Introduction ▪ Picture #s ▪ Choose Pictures ▪ Introduction Lesson #4s ▪ Picture 4a (1) Servants Ready for their Master's Return ▪ Picture 4b (2) Jesus Teaches about the End Times ▪ Picture 4c (3) Parable of the Ten Virgins ▪ Picture 4d (4) Parable of the Talents ▪ Picture 4e (5) Parable of the Sheep and the Goats ▪ Picture 4f (6) Jesus Ascends into Heaven ▪ Picture 4g (7) Jesus at God's Right Hand in Heaven ▪ Picture 4h (8) Jesus Will Return ▪ Title Lesson #5 ▪ Introduction Lesson #5 ▪ Picture 5a (1) The Two Ways of Life ▪ Picture 5b (2) Parable of the Lost Sheep ▪ Picture 5c (3) Parable of the Lost Coin ▪ Picture 5d (4) Parable of the Lost Son
General Introduction ▪ Picture #s ▪ Choose Pictures ▪ Introduction Lesson #4s ▪ Picture 4a (1) Servants Ready for their Master's Return ▪ Picture 4b (2) Jesus Teaches about the End Times ▪ Picture 4c (3) Parable of the Ten Virgins ▪ Picture 4d (4) Parable of the Talents ▪ Picture 4e (5) Parable of the Sheep and the Goats ▪ Picture 4f (6) Jesus Ascends into Heaven ▪ Picture 4g (7) Jesus at God's Right Hand in Heaven ▪ Picture 4h (8) Jesus Will Return ▪ Title Lesson #5 ▪ Introduction Lesson #5 ▪ Picture 5a (1) The Two Ways of Life ▪ Picture 5b (2) Parable of the Lost Sheep ▪ Picture 5c (3) Parable of the Lost Coin ▪ Picture 5d (4) Parable of the Lost Son
5.8 MB
 26′ 18″
Picture 5e (5) The Lost Son Among the Pigs ▪ Picture 5f (6) The Lost Son Returns Home ▪ Picture 5g (7) Jesus and Zacchaeus ▪ Picture 5h (8) Jesus Will Return ▪ Picture #s Lesson 6 ▪ Choose Pictures ▪ Picture 6a (1) Jesus Raises a Widow's Son ▪ Picture 6b (2) A Dead Girl is Raised to Life ▪ Picture 6c (3) Jesus Raises Lazarus from Death ▪ Picture 6d (4) The Crucifixion ▪ Picture 6e (5) Jesus Appears to His Disciples ▪ Picture 6f (6) Jesus Ascends into Heaven ▪ Picture 6g (7) Jesus Will Return
Picture 5e (5) The Lost Son Among the Pigs ▪ Picture 5f (6) The Lost Son Returns Home ▪ Picture 5g (7) Jesus and Zacchaeus ▪ Picture 5h (8) Jesus Will Return ▪ Picture #s Lesson 6 ▪ Choose Pictures ▪ Picture 6a (1) Jesus Raises a Widow's Son ▪ Picture 6b (2) A Dead Girl is Raised to Life ▪ Picture 6c (3) Jesus Raises Lazarus from Death ▪ Picture 6d (4) The Crucifixion ▪ Picture 6e (5) Jesus Appears to His Disciples ▪ Picture 6f (6) Jesus Ascends into Heaven ▪ Picture 6g (7) Jesus Will Return
5.7 MB
 26′ 17″