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Lời sự sống bằng Arabic, Standard

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6.9 MB
Tải toàn bộ video dạng MP4
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59.9 MB
Video Theo Dạng Hình Chiếu
Chỉ Có âm Thanh

We are Like Stones; flute
We are Like Stones; flute
834 kB
 3′ 53″
The Fear of Death; flute
The Fear of Death; flute
707 kB
 3′ 19″
The Heart of Man; Nhạc dạo
The Heart of Man; Nhạc dạo
760 kB
 3′ 37″
Do You Have Time?; flute
Do You Have Time?; flute
765 kB
 3′ 44″
The Grace of God; Nhạc dạo
The Grace of God; Nhạc dạo
796 kB
 3′ 53″
Why Did Christ Come?; Nhạc dạo
Why Did Christ Come?; Nhạc dạo
681 kB
 3′ 33″
Noah; Bài hát
Noah; Bài hát
1.6 MB
 8′ 11″
The Fear of Death (based on Hê-bơ-rơ 9:27)
The Fear of Death (based on Hê-bơ-rơ 9:27)
866 kB
 4′ 9″
The Fear of Death, part 2; Bài hát; end of sermon; Nhạc dạo
The Fear of Death, part 2; Bài hát; end of sermon; Nhạc dạo
858 kB
 4′ 5″
A Living Lời chứng (based on Rô-ma 1:16)
A Living Lời chứng (based on Rô-ma 1:16)
1.4 MB
 6′ 49″
The Value of a Soul; flute
The Value of a Soul; flute
1.5 MB
 7′ 24″
Why Did God Spare You?
Why Did God Spare You?
902 kB
 4′ 5″
Why Did God Spare You? part 2
Why Did God Spare You? part 2
345 kB
 1′ 31″
Why Did God Spare You? part 3
Why Did God Spare You? part 3
78 kB
Why Did God Spare You? part 4
Why Did God Spare You? part 4
231 kB
 1′ 2″