LLL 5 On Trial for GOD (Apỹnh me umar punu djàri kam Metĩndjwỳnh kute me ‘ã ukanga kêt ’ã ujarẽnh ne ja) in Kayapo

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Introdução (Introduction)
Introdução (Introduction)
117 kB
Naamã ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 1 (Picture 1. Naaman Visits Elisha's House))
Naamã ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 1 (Picture 1. Naaman Visits Elisha's House))
666 kB
 2′ 37″
Metĩndjwỳnh kute Naamã kào mex ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 2 (Picture 2. Naaman in the River))
Metĩndjwỳnh kute Naamã kào mex ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 2 (Picture 2. Naaman in the River))
443 kB
 1′ 42″
Êridjêumẽ Metĩndjwỳnh nhõ krãkamngônh ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 3 (Picture 3. Elisha and the Army of God))
Êridjêumẽ Metĩndjwỳnh nhõ krãkamngônh ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 3 (Picture 3. Elisha and the Army of God))
1014 kB
 4′ 9″
Metĩndjwỳnhmẽ krãkamngônh rĩt kẽt ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 4 (Picture 4. Elisha and the Blind Army))
Metĩndjwỳnhmẽ krãkamngônh rĩt kẽt ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 4 (Picture 4. Elisha and the Blind Army))
723 kB
 2′ 57″
Xamarij kam me kum prãm rax ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 5 (Picture 5. The Siege of Samaria))
Xamarij kam me kum prãm rax ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 5 (Picture 5. The Siege of Samaria))
614 kB
 2′ 23″
Metĩndjwỳnh kute õ mejamã õ kwỳkrẽndjà rax nhõr ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 6 (Picture 6. The Four Lepers))
Metĩndjwỳnh kute õ mejamã õ kwỳkrẽndjà rax nhõr ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 6 (Picture 6. The Four Lepers))
649 kB
 2′ 30″
Metĩndjwỳnh Djonaj janor ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 7 (Picture 7. Jonah flees from God))
Metĩndjwỳnh Djonaj janor ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 7 (Picture 7. Jonah flees from God))
274 kB
Tepti kute Djonaj krẽ ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 8 (Picture 8. Jonah and the Great Fish))
Tepti kute Djonaj krẽ ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 8 (Picture 8. Jonah and the Great Fish))
694 kB
 2′ 46″
Djonaj kute Niniwe kam mejamã Metĩndjwỳnh Kabẽn jarẽnh ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 9 (Picture 9. Jonah at Nineveh))
Djonaj kute Niniwe kam mejamã Metĩndjwỳnh Kabẽn jarẽnh ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 9 (Picture 9. Jonah at Nineveh))
559 kB
 2′ 8″
Bẽnjadjwỳr rax kute Exe ‘ỳr mõr ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 10 (Picture 10. Esther and the King))
Bẽnjadjwỳr rax kute Exe ‘ỳr mõr ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 10 (Picture 10. Esther and the King))
492 kB
 1′ 47″
Modekaj kute Amã kabem kõnkrão ỹr kêt ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 11 (Picture 11. Mordecai Refuses to Bow Down))
Modekaj kute Amã kabem kõnkrão ỹr kêt ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 11 (Picture 11. Mordecai Refuses to Bow Down))
798 kB
 2′ 57″
Amã tyk ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 12 (Picture 12. Esther's Feast))
Amã tyk ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 12 (Picture 12. Esther's Feast))
716 kB
 2′ 40″
Danijewmẽ õbikwamẽ kute Babirõnijmã aro mõrmã ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 13 (Picture 13. Daniel and His Friends))
Danijewmẽ õbikwamẽ kute Babirõnijmã aro mõrmã ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 13 (Picture 13. Daniel and His Friends))
666 kB
 2′ 38″
Danijew kute Bẽnjadjwỳr raxmã biptir jarẽnh kadjy ne ja (Story 14 (Picture 14. Daniel and the King of Babylon))
Danijew kute Bẽnjadjwỳr raxmã biptir jarẽnh kadjy ne ja (Story 14 (Picture 14. Daniel and the King of Babylon))
1.2 MB
 5′ 18″
Bẽnjadjwỳr rax nhõ kryt karỳro mekarõ ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 15 (Picture 15. The Image of Gold))
Bẽnjadjwỳr rax nhõ kryt karỳro mekarõ ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 15 (Picture 15. The Image of Gold))
410 kB
 1′ 31″
Me kute Danijew nhõbikwa kuwy kam ar rẽnh ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 16 (Picture 16. The Furnace of Fire))
Me kute Danijew nhõbikwa kuwy kam ar rẽnh ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 16 (Picture 16. The Furnace of Fire))
600 kB
 2′ 15″
Danijew kute akati kunĩkôt Metĩndjwỳnhmã Kabẽn ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 17 (Picture 17. Daniel Prays to God))
Danijew kute akati kunĩkôt Metĩndjwỳnhmã Kabẽn ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 17 (Picture 17. Daniel Prays to God))
868 kB
 3′ 29″
Danijew kurêdjwỳnh kute ropdjàkrêmã mẽnh ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 18 (Picture 18. Daniel in the Lions' Den))
Danijew kurêdjwỳnh kute ropdjàkrêmã mẽnh ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 18 (Picture 18. Daniel in the Lions' Den))
749 kB
 2′ 58″
Nemij kute Bẽnjadjwỳr mar ne tẽm ne kute akubyn Djeruxarẽo mex ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 19 (Picture 19. Nehemiah Before the Great King))
Nemij kute Bẽnjadjwỳr mar ne tẽm ne kute akubyn Djeruxarẽo mex ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 19 (Picture 19. Nehemiah Before the Great King))
925 kB
 3′ 49″
Nemij Djeruxarẽkam bôx ‘ã ujarenh ne ja (Story 20 (Picture 20. Nehemiah Inspects the Ruined City))
Nemij Djeruxarẽkam bôx ‘ã ujarenh ne ja (Story 20 (Picture 20. Nehemiah Inspects the Ruined City))
381 kB
 1′ 19″
Djeruxarẽ neje ajte ngy nhipêx ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 21 (Picture 21. Building the Walls))
Djeruxarẽ neje ajte ngy nhipêx ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 21 (Picture 21. Building the Walls))
529 kB
 2′ 2″
Exa kute memã Metĩndjwỳnh Kabẽn jarẽnh ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 22 (Picture 22. Ezra Reads the Law))
Exa kute memã Metĩndjwỳnh Kabẽn jarẽnh ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 22 (Picture 22. Ezra Reads the Law))
619 kB
 2′ 22″
Jeju kute gwaj bapytàr kadjy ne pĩte’y kam ty ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 23 (Picture 23. Jesus on the Cross))
Jeju kute gwaj bapytàr kadjy ne pĩte’y kam ty ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Story 23 (Picture 23. Jesus on the Cross))
476 kB
 1′ 57″
Jeju pydji ne kubê Metĩndjwỳnh ‘ỳr pry (Story 24 (Picture 24. Jesus Shows the Way to Everlasting Life))
Jeju pydji ne kubê Metĩndjwỳnh ‘ỳr pry (Story 24 (Picture 24. Jesus Shows the Way to Everlasting Life))
379 kB
 1′ 26″