
歌曲 2 (Wepy Hap Ko'i Typy) 在 Satere

6.2 MB
28.3 MB

介绍 ▪ God Says ▪ Our Sin (I) ▪ I'm Very Happy ▪ All Nations ▪ Come Here ▪ I Want Only Jesus ▪ Only God Can Save Us ▪ God Loves Us Even Today ▪ I Want To Wlk with You ▪ I Sing To My Lord ▪ Let's Love One Another ▪ Love One Another
介绍 ▪ God Says ▪ Our Sin (I) ▪ I'm Very Happy ▪ All Nations ▪ Come Here ▪ I Want Only Jesus ▪ Only God Can Save Us ▪ God Loves Us Even Today ▪ I Want To Wlk with You ▪ I Sing To My Lord ▪ Let's Love One Another ▪ Love One Another
5.8 MB
 27′ 57″
Be Prudent ▪ The Tree of Life ▪ All Nations ▪ I'm Very Happy ▪ The People of...(I) ▪ We are the People ▪ The People of...(II) ▪ God Loves People ▪ Our Sin (II) ▪ Revelations ▪ Teach My Good Word ▪ Great Power ▪ I Want More Joy ▪ My Life
Be Prudent ▪ The Tree of Life ▪ All Nations ▪ I'm Very Happy ▪ The People of...(I) ▪ We are the People ▪ The People of...(II) ▪ God Loves People ▪ Our Sin (II) ▪ Revelations ▪ Teach My Good Word ▪ Great Power ▪ I Want More Joy ▪ My Life
5.7 MB
 27′ 21″