TLC Lesson 19 - Growing in the Christian Life (Crescendo Na Vida Cristã) dans Nhengatu

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Ikê Sãgawa 36 Upê: Ũbuê Tapurãdu (Image 36: About Prière)
Ikê Sãgawa 36 Upê: Ũbuê Tapurãdu (Image 36: About Prière)
559 kB
 2′ 18″
Ikê Sãgawa 69 Upê: Yawajudari Amuita (Image 69: The parable of the annoying friend)
Ikê Sãgawa 69 Upê: Yawajudari Amuita (Image 69: The parable of the annoying friend)
437 kB
 1′ 40″
Ikê Sãgawa 34 Upê: Umuyukua Turí Asui Pitunawasuwa (Image 34: Lesson on light in darkness)
Ikê Sãgawa 34 Upê: Umuyukua Turí Asui Pitunawasuwa (Image 34: Lesson on light in darkness)
314 kB
 1′ 9″
Ikê Sãgawa 67 Upê: Samariyawara Purãga Sikusá (Image 67: The Good Samaritan)
Ikê Sãgawa 67 Upê: Samariyawara Purãga Sikusá (Image 67: The Good Samaritan)
653 kB
 2′ 45″
Ikê Sãgawa 92 Upê: Yã Viúva Pirasuwawa Umee Uferta (Image 92. The Poor Widow's Offering)
Ikê Sãgawa 92 Upê: Yã Viúva Pirasuwawa Umee Uferta (Image 92. The Poor Widow's Offering)
293 kB
 1′ 4″
Ikê Sãgawa 84 Upê: Yepê Kurumiasu Rikuwa (Image 84: The parable of the rich young man)
Ikê Sãgawa 84 Upê: Yepê Kurumiasu Rikuwa (Image 84: The parable of the rich young man)
352 kB
 1′ 17″
Ikê Sãgawa 117 Upê: Jesus Uyukuawa Yuiri Galileia Upê Ũbuêwaita Supê (Image 117: Jesus appears again to the disciples in Galilee)
Ikê Sãgawa 117 Upê: Jesus Uyukuawa Yuiri Galileia Upê Ũbuêwaita Supê (Image 117: Jesus appears again to the disciples in Galilee)
313 kB
 1′ 11″