New life in Jesus dans Suruí
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10.2 MB
Diaporama Vidéo
Audio Seulement
4.2 MB
Chant: I appreciate today
Témoignage: Pamadeli surui
Chant: Only God has the power to take me to
Chant: Jesus went where I was fishing
Chant: God sent his Son
Chant: I call Jesus
Chant: Many of my enemies
Chant: They are expecting the return of Jesus
Chant: This is not my home
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Chant: I appreciate today
346 kB
1′ 36″
Témoignage: Pamadeli surui
1 MB
4′ 52″
Chant: Only God has the power to take me to
235 kB
1′ 4″
Chant: Jesus went where I was fishing
366 kB
1′ 41″
Chant: God sent his Son
492 kB
2′ 16″
Chant: I call Jesus
520 kB
2′ 23″
Chant: Many of my enemies
405 kB
1′ 52″
Chant: They are expecting the return of Jesus
436 kB
2′ 1″
Chant: This is not my home
434 kB
1′ 58″