Hello! Welcome. What you are about to hear are some of the most important words you will ever hear. It is good news for everyone.
Music of God (Ngura Peereweej) in Cinta Larga
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Panzabijalaa (Worship God)
Maã jesus kaapipri (Jesus in the heart)
Marejaabeaa (God's people)
Bnu Pân jesus quee naâ (Salvation)
Awi maan na cruz kaa (Cross)
Zaanueei (Joy)
Paân mareenuúj (God's word)
Aanaâ maân (Jesus will return)
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Panzabijalaa (Worship God)
442 kB
2′ 8″
Maã jesus kaapipri (Jesus in the heart)
588 kB
2′ 50″
Marejaabeaa (God's people)
624 kB
3′ 9″
Bnu Pân jesus quee naâ (Salvation)
403 kB
2′ 1″
Awi maan na cruz kaa (Cross)
296 kB
1′ 27″
Zaanueei (Joy)
283 kB
1′ 21″
Paân mareenuúj (God's word)
429 kB
2′ 11″
Aanaâ maân (Jesus will return)
223 kB
1′ 1″