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LLL 2 Mighty Men of GOD in Malay, Central: Pasemah

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Music ▪ Picture 13. Baby Moses ▪ Picture 14. Moses and the Burning Bush ▪ Picture 15. Moses Returns to the King ▪ Picture 16. The Sacrificed Lamb ▪ Picture 17. Through the Sea ▪ Picture 18. Food and Water in the Desert ▪ Picture 19. Moses on the Mountain of God ▪ Picture 20. The Snake on the Pole ▪ Picture 21. Jesus Feeds the People ▪ Picture 22. Jesus Speaks with Moses ▪ Picture 23. Jesus Died for Us ▪ Picture 24. Jesus in Heaven
Music ▪ Picture 13. Baby Moses ▪ Picture 14. Moses and the Burning Bush ▪ Picture 15. Moses Returns to the King ▪ Picture 16. The Sacrificed Lamb ▪ Picture 17. Through the Sea ▪ Picture 18. Food and Water in the Desert ▪ Picture 19. Moses on the Mountain of God ▪ Picture 20. The Snake on the Pole ▪ Picture 21. Jesus Feeds the People ▪ Picture 22. Jesus Speaks with Moses ▪ Picture 23. Jesus Died for Us ▪ Picture 24. Jesus in Heaven
4.4 MB
 20′ 45″