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Paroles de Vie dans Pendjabi
6.8 MB
62.5 MB
Diaporama Vidéo
Audio Seulement
13.5 MB
God's Scales
You are the beginning
Behold Jesus
Why do you hide yourself
Power of evil spirits
My life is for Jesus
Jesus the mighty One
The death of Christ
I find love in the Bible
The second coming
Why do you hide yourself
My life is for Jesus
Salvation through Christ
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God's Scales
962 kB
4′ 13″
You are the beginning
1.1 MB
4′ 46″
Behold Jesus
1.1 MB
4′ 54″
Why do you hide yourself
810 kB
3′ 24″
Power of evil spirits
1018 kB
4′ 14″
My life is for Jesus
1007 kB
4′ 10″
Jesus the mighty One
892 kB
3′ 44″
The death of Christ
1.1 MB
5′ 0″
I find love in the Bible
1 MB
4′ 31″
The second coming
939 kB
3′ 44″
Why do you hide yourself
810 kB
3′ 24″
970 kB
4′ 25″
My life is for Jesus
1006 kB
4′ 10″
Salvation through Christ
954 kB
3′ 58″