| Jėzaus gimimas (The Birth of Jesus) | |
| Pirmieji mokiniai (Calling of the First Disciples) | |
| Audros nutildymas (Jesus Calms the Sea) | |
| Duonos padauginima (Jesus Feeds the 5,000) | |
| Gerasis samarietis (The Good Samaritan) | |
| Jėzus moko melstis (Jesus Teaches on Prière) | |
| Didžioji puota (The Parable of the Great Banquet ) | |
| Sūnus palaidūnas (The Parable of Le Fils Perdu) | |
| Jericho neregys (The Blind Beggar Receives his Sight) | |
| Nukryžiavimas (The Crucifixion of Jesus) | |
| Tuščias kapas (The Resurrection of Jesus) | |
| Jėzus pasirodo savo mokiniams (Jesus Appears to His Disciples) | |