| We will go to heaven & Introduction | |
| Image 1 In the Beginning (Avant La Création) | |
| Image 2 The Word of God (Dieu Parle) | |
| Image 3 Creation | |
| Image 4 Adam and Eve | |
| Image 5 Cain and Abel | |
| Image 6 Noah’s Ark (L'arche de Noé) | |
| Image 7 The Flood (Le Déluge) | |
| Image 8 Abraham, Sarah and Isaac | |
| Image 9 Moses and the Law of God (Moïse et la loi de Dieu) | |
| Image 10 The Ten Commandments | |
| Image 11 Sacrifice for Sin (Le Sacrifice Pour Les Peches) | |
| Image 12 A Savior Promised (L'Ange Et Marie) | |
| Image 13 The Birth of Jesus (La Naissance De Jésus) | |
| Image 14 Jesus, the Teacher (Jesus Enfant) | |
| Image 15 Miracles of Jesus | |
| Image 16 Jesus Suffers (Jesus a Souffert) | |
| Image 17 Jesus is Crucified (Jesus Meurt Sur La Croix) | |
| Image 18 The Resurrection (La Resurrection De Jesus) | |
| Image 19 Thomas Believes (Jesus Et Thomas) | |
| Image 20 The Ascension (L'Ascension De Jesus) | |
| Everything Lord has done is good & Pic. 21 The Empty Cross (Image 21: La Croix Vide De Jesus) | |
| Image 22 The Two Roads (Les Deux Chemins) | |
| Image 23 God’s Children (La Famille De Dieu) | |
| Image 24 Born Again (L'Esprit De Dieu) | |
| Image 25 The Holy Spirit Comes (La Venue Du Saint-Esprit) | |
| Image 26 Walking in the Light (Marcher Dans La Lumiere) | |
| Image 27 A New Person (N'Aimons Pas Le Monde!) | |
| Image 28 The Christian Family (Maris, Aimez Votre Femme) | |
| Image 29 Love Your Enemies (Aimez Vos Ennemis) | |
| Image 30 Jesus Christ is the Powerful One (Jesus, Le Seul Maitre) | |
| Image 31 Casting out Evil Spirits (Les Demons Sont Chasses) | |
| Image 32 Temptation (Suivons Seulement Jesus) | |
| Image 33 If We Sin (Si Nous Pechons) | |
| Image 34 Sickness (La Maladie) | |
| Image 35 Death (La Mort) | |
| Image 36 The Body of Christ | |
| Image 37 Meeting for Worship (Se Reunir Ensemble) | |
| Image 38 Jesus Christ will Return (Le Retour De Jesus-Christ) | |
| Image 39 Bearing Fruit (Porter Des Fruits) | |
| Image 40 Witnessing (Annoncer La Bonne Nouvelle De Jesus a Tous) | |