Songs for Spiritual Warfare (Djesuwalnydja Yäkuy Ŋuli Djuḻkmaram) in Djambarrpuyngu und English: Aboriginal

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Djesu Yäku Manymak Mirithirr (Blessed be the Name of the Lord)
Djesu Yäku Manymak Mirithirr (Blessed be the Name of the Lord)
339 kB
 1′ 35″
Djesuwal Yäkuy (Epheser 6:10-12 / In The Name of Jesus)
Djesuwal Yäkuy (Epheser 6:10-12 / In The Name of Jesus)
678 kB
 3′ 3″
Ŋayi Ŋunhi Garray (Epheser 6:13-17 / He is Lord)
Ŋayi Ŋunhi Garray (Epheser 6:13-17 / He is Lord)
936 kB
 4′ 21″
Djesu Christtja Garray (Jesus Christ is Lord)
Djesu Christtja Garray (Jesus Christ is Lord)
670 kB
 3′ 12″
Offenbarung 5:5 / Thou Art Worthy / And I Beheld and I Heard
Offenbarung 5:5 / Thou Art Worthy / And I Beheld and I Heard
847 kB
 3′ 57″
Djesuwal Ŋuli Gulaŋdhu (Oh The Blood of Jesus / Römer 16:20)
Djesuwal Ŋuli Gulaŋdhu (Oh The Blood of Jesus / Römer 16:20)
656 kB
 3′ 9″
The Lord Reigns
The Lord Reigns
634 kB
 2′ 53″
Nhunum Ŋuwakurru Wäyin (Rev 1:17-18 / He Rose Again/Glory to the Lamb)
Nhunum Ŋuwakurru Wäyin (Rev 1:17-18 / He Rose Again/Glory to the Lamb)
1.2 MB
 5′ 39″
Limurr Yäku Djesuny Yindikuman (1 Djon 5:1-5 / Extol the Name)
Limurr Yäku Djesuny Yindikuman (1 Djon 5:1-5 / Extol the Name)
832 kB
 3′ 52″
1. Korinther 15:54 / The Name of the Lord
1. Korinther 15:54 / The Name of the Lord
377 kB
 1′ 45″
2. Timotheus 1:10 / Break Satan's Power
2. Timotheus 1:10 / Break Satan's Power
437 kB
 2′ 0″
Lukas 1:37 / 1 Djon 3:8 /There is Power, Power
Lukas 1:37 / 1 Djon 3:8 /There is Power, Power
444 kB
 1′ 41″
Thou Art Worthy / And I Beheld and I Heard
Thou Art Worthy / And I Beheld and I Heard
730 kB
 3′ 28″