The Free Way To Salvation (Banchatinuga Kora) em Korku: Mawasi
6.4 MB
29.2 MB
Somente Audio
12.9 MB
You are alive, you are almighty
Creation and redemption of man
Baby Jesus is born
Birth of Jesus
Jesus came for this world, let's go
Jesus the mighty one
Jesus performed many miracles
The cruel master
Look in which way leads to God
Death and resurrection
Jesus is coming back
The second coming
My life has changed, since I am accepted the Lord
A new birth
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248 kB
1′ 5″
You are alive, you are almighty
905 kB
3′ 45″
Creation and redemption of man
975 kB
4′ 12″
Baby Jesus is born
1.2 MB
5′ 17″
Birth of Jesus
938 kB
3′ 59″
Jesus came for this world, let's go
1.1 MB
4′ 44″
Jesus the mighty one
936 kB
3′ 58″
Jesus performed many miracles
867 kB
3′ 32″
The cruel master
1.2 MB
5′ 19″
Look in which way leads to God
625 kB
2′ 35″
Death and resurrection
861 kB
3′ 45″
Jesus is coming back
544 kB
2′ 22″
The second coming
907 kB
3′ 46″
My life has changed, since I am accepted the Lord
735 kB
3′ 13″
A new birth
1.1 MB
4′ 56″