歌曲 & Scripture 在 卡西语
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50.6 MB
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Gathering After Tears
Bringing in the Sheaves
O Lord Remember Me
Narrow Gate
Light of Satisfaction
Wholeness in Christ
Numerous Sands of the Sea
圣歌 of Revival
Run Away from Sodom
What a Friend
创世纪 1:1-8
创世纪 3:1-7
路加福音 2:1-7
路加福音 18:31-34
路加福音 23:44-49
路加福音 24:1-6
路加福音 24:36-43
使徒行传 1:6-11
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Gathering After Tears
984 kB
4′ 31″
Bringing in the Sheaves
846 kB
3′ 46″
O Lord Remember Me
500 kB
2′ 16″
Narrow Gate
708 kB
3′ 10″
Light of Satisfaction
684 kB
3′ 9″
Wholeness in Christ
528 kB
2′ 24″
Numerous Sands of the Sea
833 kB
3′ 49″
圣歌 of Revival
677 kB
3′ 9″
Run Away from Sodom
626 kB
2′ 49″
What a Friend
973 kB
4′ 29″
创世纪 1:1-8
782 kB
2′ 57″
创世纪 3:1-7
407 kB
1′ 19″
路加福音 2:1-7
322 kB
路加福音 18:31-34
287 kB
路加福音 23:44-49
365 kB
1′ 14″
路加福音 24:1-6
325 kB
1′ 1″
路加福音 24:36-43
354 kB
1′ 12″
使徒行传 1:6-11
399 kB
1′ 25″