| Obuchakiro ♦ Joshua Akhuyana Nende Abemeleki (Introduction ▪ Picture 1. Joshua Fights The Amalekites) | |
| Abakhobi Nende Esiamo Esia Caanan (Picture 2. The Spies with the Fruit of Canaan) | |
| Abana ba Israel Basikha Oluchi (Picture 3. The People of Israel Cross the River) | |
| Ebida Ebia Jericho Bikua Asi (Picture 4. The Walls of Jericho Fall Down) | |
| Abaisraeli Berukha Khurula Ai (Picture 5. Israel Flees from Ai) | |
| Esikhalakiro Esia Achan (Picture 6. The Judgment of Achan) | |
| Eriuba Nende Omwosi Biema Akulu (Picture 7. The Sun and the Moon Stand Still) | |
| Joshua Yemala Abandu (Picture 8. Joshua Instructs the People) | |
| Diborah Alomaloma Khulu Nyasaye (Picture 9. Deborah Speaks for God) | |
| Nasaye Akhonya Okhira Sisera (Picture 10. God Helps Defeat Sisera) | |
| Jael Yera Sisera (Picture 11. Jael Kills Sisera) | |
| Israeli Basangala (Picture 12. Israel Celebrates) | |
| Obuchakiro ♦ Gidion Nende Malaika wa Nyasaye (Introduction to Part 2 ▪ Picture 13. Gideon And The Angel Of God) | |
| Gidion Anyasia Ebifwanani (Picture 14. Gideon Destroys The Idols) | |
| Abamaye ba Gidion Bang'ua Amachi (Picture 15. Gideon's Army Drinks The Water) | |
| Abandu Aba gidion Babodokhana Ikambi Eya Abamidian (Picture 16. Gideon's Men Surround The Camp Of Midian) | |
| Samson Yera Isimba (Picture 17. Samson Kills A Lion) | |
| Samson Nende Amabwe Akayia (Picture 18. Samson And The Burning Foxes) | |
| Abafalisti Babeka Erifwiri Eria Samson (Picture 19. The Philistines Cut Samson's Hair) | |
| Samson Asasia Abapalestina (Picture 20. Samson Destroys The Philistines) | |
| Yesu Ainia Abikhieno (Picture 21. Jesus Drives Out Evil Spirits) | |
| Yesu Yerusia Abandu Abamayanu (Picture 22. Jesus Drives Out Evil Men) | |
| Yesu Nomulamu Lunyuma Luokhufwa (Picture 23. Jesus Is Alive After Death) | |
| Owamaye Owa Nyasaye (Picture 24. The Soldier For God) | |