| Okhuchaka ♦ Naamani Akeniya Enyumba Eya Elisha (Einführung ▪ Bild 1. Naaman Visits Elisha's House) | |
| Naaman Mumwaloo (Bild 2. Naaman in the River) | |
| Elisha Nende Avasikari (Bild 3. Elisha and the Army of God) | |
| Elisha Nende Avaskari Avofuu (Bild 4. Elisha and the Blind Army) | |
| Ohudirwa Ohwa Samaria (Bild 5. The Siege of Samaria) | |
| Avamakere Vanee (Bild 6. The Four Lepers) | |
| Yonaa Yeruha Otula Hunyasaye (Bild 7. Jona flees from God) | |
| Yonaa Nende Eng'ani Ehongo (Bild 8. Jona and the Great Fish) | |
| Yonaa Narii Ninavah (Bild 9. Jona at Nineveh) | |
| Esther Nende Omwamii (Bild 10. Ester and the King) | |
| Mordecai Ahaya Ohwinama (Bild 11. Mordecai Refuses to Bow Down) | |
| Eviahuri Evia Esther (Bild 12. Ester's Feast) | |
| Okhuchaka 2 ♦ Danieli Nende Avecha Vaye (Einführung to Part 2 ▪ Bild 13. Daniel and His Friends) | |
| Danieli Nende Omwami Owa Babiloni (Bild 14. Daniel and the King of Babylon) | |
| Esifwanani Esie Goldi (Bild 15. The Image of Gold) | |
| Etanuru Erio Muriro (Bild 16. The Furnace of Fire) | |
| Danieli Amusara Nyasaye (Bild 17. Daniel Prays to God) | |
| Danieli Murina Eriedalang'a (Bild 18. Daniel in the Lions' Den) | |
| Nehemaya Embari Yo Mwami Muhongo (Bild 19. Nehemia Before the Great King) | |
| Nehemaya Akaguwa Etauni Eyasakuha (Bild 20. Nehemia Inspects the Ruined City) | |
| Ohumbaha Evidaa (Bild 21. Building the Walls) | |
| Ezra Asoma Amalako (Bild 22. Esra Reads the Law) | |
| Yesu Humusalaba (Bild 23. Jesus on the Cross) | |
| Yesu Atwekesa Engir'a Chovulamu Ovutariwayo (Bild 24. Jesus Shows the Way to Everlasting Life) | |