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Cantiques dans Hmong: Blue

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Chant: Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
Chant: Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
310 kB
 1′ 20″
Chant: I Surrender All
Chant: I Surrender All
731 kB
 3′ 10″
Chant: I Can Hear My Savior Callling
Chant: I Can Hear My Savior Callling
577 kB
 2′ 29″
Chant: Asian tune; folk Chant
Chant: Asian tune; folk Chant
427 kB
 1′ 53″
Chant: Alas, and Did My Saviour Bleed
Chant: Alas, and Did My Saviour Bleed
524 kB
 2′ 12″
Chant: Power in the Blood
Chant: Power in the Blood
697 kB
 2′ 58″
Chant: Come, Believe in Jesus
Chant: Come, Believe in Jesus
404 kB
 1′ 45″
Chant: There's Not a Friend
Chant: There's Not a Friend
853 kB
 3′ 45″
Chant: There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood
Chant: There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood
704 kB
 3′ 0″
Chant: Only Trust Him
Chant: Only Trust Him
579 kB
 2′ 28″
Chant: Asian tune
Chant: Asian tune
622 kB
 2′ 40″
Chant: Glory to His Name
Chant: Glory to His Name
418 kB
 1′ 48″
Chant: Come to the Savior, Make no Delay
Chant: Come to the Savior, Make no Delay
480 kB
 2′ 6″
Chant: What Can Wash away My Sins?
Chant: What Can Wash away My Sins?
525 kB
 2′ 16″
Chant: Christ Receiveth Sinful Men
Chant: Christ Receiveth Sinful Men
582 kB
 2′ 33″
Chant, Asian tune: Come Home to the Father
Chant, Asian tune: Come Home to the Father
434 kB
 1′ 52″
Chant: He Lives
Chant: He Lives
712 kB
 3′ 1″
Chant: I Trust Jesus
Chant: I Trust Jesus
600 kB
 2′ 38″
Chant: My Heart Was Black with Sin
Chant: My Heart Was Black with Sin
155 kB
Chant: Jesus Loves the Little Children
Chant: Jesus Loves the Little Children
98 kB
Chant: This Little Light of Mine
Chant: This Little Light of Mine
260 kB
 1′ 7″
Chant: Joy, Joy, Joy, I'm on My Way to Heaven
Chant: Joy, Joy, Joy, I'm on My Way to Heaven
93 kB
Chant, Asian tune Jean 3:16, Jean 1:12
Chant, Asian tune Jean 3:16, Jean 1:12
187 kB
Chant: What a Wonderful Savior
Chant: What a Wonderful Savior
140 kB
Chant: Things Are Different Now
Chant: Things Are Different Now
207 kB
Chant: Jonas
Chant: Jonas
453 kB
 1′ 55″
Chant, Thai Tune
Chant, Thai Tune
541 kB
 2′ 19″
Chant: God Takes Care of the Birds
Chant: God Takes Care of the Birds
59 kB
Chant: Rolled Away
Chant: Rolled Away
1.3 MB
 5′ 40″