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Paroles de Vie dans Jarai

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Anam Hui Oh ♦ Ra Broºi Koºkao ♦ Ka-in ♦ Yesu Song Ma Kao ♦ Noe ♦ Toºloºi Nga Yang Phrao (Do Not Be Afraid ▪ Tell Me ▪ Cain and Abel ▪ Jesus Paid it All ▪ Noah ▪ The New Sacrifice)
Anam Hui Oh ♦ Ra Broºi Koºkao ♦ Ka-in ♦ Yesu Song Ma Kao ♦ Noe ♦ Toºloºi Nga Yang Phrao (Do Not Be Afraid ▪ Tell Me ▪ Cain and Abel ▪ Jesus Paid it All ▪ Noah ▪ The New Sacrifice)
4.7 MB
 20′ 52″
Ba-ra-ba ♦ Hoºjan Drah Yom Yang Yesu ♦ Sa Droºi Triu Roºngia ♦ Toºloºi Ra Koºploºi Hiam ♦ O Hiam Bia Ma ♦ Robat Tui Joºlan Yesu (Barabbas ▪ Nothing But the Blood ▪ The Lost Sheep ▪ Words About Heaven ▪ Oh, How Wonderful ▪ How to Walk the Jesus Road)
Ba-ra-ba ♦ Hoºjan Drah Yom Yang Yesu ♦ Sa Droºi Triu Roºngia ♦ Toºloºi Ra Koºploºi Hiam ♦ O Hiam Bia Ma ♦ Robat Tui Joºlan Yesu (Barabbas ▪ Nothing But the Blood ▪ The Lost Sheep ▪ Words About Heaven ▪ Oh, How Wonderful ▪ How to Walk the Jesus Road)
4.7 MB
 21′ 1″