Paroles de Vie w/ SINDHI: Hindu & HINDI dans Sindhi Bhil et Hindi

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Chant: The Good Samaritan
Chant: The Good Samaritan
1.3 MB
 5′ 34″
True Love
True Love
858 kB
 3′ 26″
What is a Christian?
What is a Christian?
845 kB
 3′ 23″
Chant: The Prière of Peter
Chant: The Prière of Peter
1 MB
 4′ 45″
Power Over Evil Spirits
Power Over Evil Spirits
780 kB
 3′ 5″
Chant: Creation (Marwari)
Chant: Creation (Marwari)
1.2 MB
 5′ 33″
A New Nature
A New Nature
1 MB
 4′ 18″
Trial and Crucifixion of Christ
Trial and Crucifixion of Christ
815 kB
 3′ 12″
Chant: Death of Christ on the Cross
Chant: Death of Christ on the Cross
1.3 MB
 5′ 43″
The Resurrection
The Resurrection
772 kB
 3′ 4″
Chant: The Fils Prodigue (Marwari)
Chant: The Fils Prodigue (Marwari)
1.5 MB
 6′ 41″
The Fils Prodigue
The Fils Prodigue
798 kB
 3′ 7″
Peace or Fear
Peace or Fear
994 kB
 3′ 59″
Chant: Adam and Eve (Marwari)
Chant: Adam and Eve (Marwari)
1 MB
 4′ 41″