Hello! Welcome. What you are about to hear are some of the most important words you will ever hear. It is good news for everyone.

Catechism in Kutchi Kohli

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Who is God
Who is God
203 kB
 1′ 0″
What is God' Love like?
What is God' Love like?
293 kB
 1′ 27″
What is Sin?
What is Sin?
392 kB
 1′ 44″
What is Death?
What is Death?
116 kB
Where does the Spirit go after Death?
Where does the Spirit go after Death?
626 kB
 3′ 6″
What is Heaven?
What is Heaven?
205 kB
 1′ 0″
What is Hell?
What is Hell?
210 kB
What should I do to get to Heaven
What should I do to get to Heaven
401 kB
 1′ 55″
How do I become a Christian
How do I become a Christian
354 kB
 1′ 44″
Who is your God
Who is your God
187 kB
Why do Christians eat unclean things
Why do Christians eat unclean things
313 kB
 1′ 31″
Should I eat with people of other casts
Should I eat with people of other casts
314 kB
 1′ 32″
Does God love all men equal
Does God love all men equal
145 kB
Will all "christians" go to heaven
Will all "christians" go to heaven
224 kB
 1′ 4″
Was Jesus born of a virgin?
Was Jesus born of a virgin?
211 kB
 1′ 2″
Is there any difference between Jesus and other Gods?
Is there any difference between Jesus and other Gods?
305 kB
 1′ 26″