Lessons from God's Word em Tzeltal: Bachajon

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Christ Gives New Life (2 Coríntios 5:17-18)
Christ Gives New Life (2 Coríntios 5:17-18)
965 kB
 3′ 58″
An Invitation to Believe
An Invitation to Believe
2.4 MB
 10′ 8″
I Will Give You Rest (Mateus 11:28)
I Will Give You Rest (Mateus 11:28)
717 kB
 3′ 0″
Death and Resurrection
Death and Resurrection
1.4 MB
 5′ 30″
Our Spiritual Blindness (Lucas 18:35-43)
Our Spiritual Blindness (Lucas 18:35-43)
1 MB
 4′ 22″
Christ Heals Us (João 5:5-9)
Christ Heals Us (João 5:5-9)
1.1 MB
 4′ 26″
Draw Near to God (Tiago 4:8)
Draw Near to God (Tiago 4:8)
1.5 MB
 6′ 4″
The Devil is a Lion (1 Pedro 5:8)
The Devil is a Lion (1 Pedro 5:8)
582 kB
 2′ 24″
The Peace of Christ (João 14:27)
The Peace of Christ (João 14:27)
930 kB
 3′ 58″
The Importance of Oração (1 Tessalonicenses 5:16-17)
The Importance of Oração (1 Tessalonicenses 5:16-17)
1.1 MB
 4′ 37″