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Portions of Lukes Gospel (بخش هایی از انجیل لوقا) dans Farsi

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Luc 2:1-11 The Birth of Jesus
Luc 2:1-11 The Birth of Jesus
540 kB
 2′ 0″
Luc 5:1-11 The Calling of the First Disciples
Luc 5:1-11 The Calling of the First Disciples
582 kB
 2′ 10″
Luc 8:22-25 Jesus Calms the Storm
Luc 8:22-25 Jesus Calms the Storm
345 kB
 1′ 10″
Luc 9:10-17 Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
Luc 9:10-17 Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
523 kB
 1′ 57″
Luc 10:25-37 The Good Samaritan
Luc 10:25-37 The Good Samaritan
618 kB
 2′ 24″
Luc 11:1-13 Jesus Teaches on Prière
Luc 11:1-13 Jesus Teaches on Prière
615 kB
 2′ 24″
Luc 14:15-24 Parable of The Great Banquet
Luc 14:15-24 Parable of The Great Banquet
509 kB
 1′ 55″
Luc 15:11-32 Parable of Le Fils Perdu
Luc 15:11-32 Parable of Le Fils Perdu
907 kB
 3′ 42″
Luc 18:35-43 The Blind Beggar Receives His Sight
Luc 18:35-43 The Blind Beggar Receives His Sight
416 kB
 1′ 30″
Luc 23:26-49 The Crucifixion
Luc 23:26-49 The Crucifixion
1 MB
 4′ 24″
Luc 24:1-12 The Resurrection
Luc 24:1-12 The Resurrection
531 kB
 1′ 59″
Luc 24:36-53 The Ascension
Luc 24:36-53 The Ascension
739 kB
 3′ 4″