| Healing of the Paralytic 马可福音 2:1-12 | |
| Raising the Son of the Widow of Nain 路加福音 7:11-17 | |
| Jesus Calms the Storm 路加福音 8:22-25 | |
| Healing the Demoniac among the Graves 路加福音 8:26-39 | |
| Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand 马太福音 14:13-21 | |
| Jesus Walks on Water 马太福音 14:22-33 | |
| Jesus Heals Ten Lepers 路加福音 17:11-19 | |
| Jesus Heals Blind Bartimaeus 马可福音 10:46-52 | |
| 圣歌, Hymn #27 (Thai tune) | |
| Jesus' Triumphal Entry 路加福音 19:29-38 | |
| The Last Supper 马可福音 14:12-26 | |
| Jesus Prays in Gethsemane 路加福音 22:39-46 | |
| The Arrest of Jesus 路加福音 22:47-53 | |
| Trial before the High Priest, Suffering 马可福音 14:53-65 | |
| Peter Denies Jesus 马可福音 14:66-72 | |
| 圣歌, Hymn #20 (Thai tune) | |
| 圣歌; turn the tape to hear more | |
| Jesus before Pilate - 马可福音 15:1-5 | |
| Jesus condemned - 马可福音 15: 6-20 | |
| Jesus is crucified - 马可福音 15:21-32 | |
| One thief repents - 路加福音 23: 39-43 | |
| Jesus dies - 马可福音 15: 33-39 | |
| Jesus is buried - 马太福音 27: 57-66 | |
| 圣歌, Hymn #40, Thai tune | |
| Jesus arose from the dead - 马太福音 28: 1-10 | |
| Jesus appears to two on the road to Emmaus - 路加福音 24: 13-35 | |
| Jesus appears to His disciples - 路加福音 24: 36-43 | |
| Jesus appears to Thomas - 约翰福音 20: 24-29 | |
| The Great Commission - 马太福音 28: 16-20 | |
| Jesus Returns to Heaven - 使徒行传 1:6-11 | |
| 圣歌, Thai tune | |
| Beginning of 结论 | |
| 祷告者 for Salvation | |
| Follow-up instructions | |
| Follow-up instructions | |
| Follow-up instructions | |
| 祷告者 for Spiritual Growth | |