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Wise Words of King David (Мудрі слова царя Давида) dans Ukrainien

3.1 MB
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14.3 MB
Diaporama Vidéo
Audio Seulement

Велич Божа (The Greatness of God (Notes to recordist))
Велич Божа (The Greatness of God (Notes to recordist))
813 kB
 3′ 30″
Праведність Божа (The Righteousness of God (Notes to recordist))
Праведність Божа (The Righteousness of God (Notes to recordist))
413 kB
 1′ 48″
Боротьба людини зі злом (Man’s Struggle with Evil (Notes to recordist))
Боротьба людини зі злом (Man’s Struggle with Evil (Notes to recordist))
1 MB
 4′ 23″
Месія Божий (The Messiah of God (Notes to recordist))
Месія Божий (The Messiah of God (Notes to recordist))
1.1 MB
 4′ 49″
Звернення людини до Бога (Man’s Turning to God (Notes to recordist))
Звернення людини до Бога (Man’s Turning to God (Notes to recordist))
997 kB
 4′ 24″
Ходіння у стосунках з Богом (Walking in Relationship with God (Notes to recordist))
Ходіння у стосунках з Богом (Walking in Relationship with God (Notes to recordist))
1.7 MB
 7′ 29″
Chapter numbers from which verses were taken (Chapter Nombres from which verses were taken (Notes to recordist))
Chapter numbers from which verses were taken (Chapter Nombres from which verses were taken (Notes to recordist))
151 kB