Programme in Schwedisch
Worte des Lebens
27 min
Weitere Ressourcen:
Jesus Film Project films - Swedish
Jesus Film Project
Swedish Contemporary Bible
Faith Comes By Hearing
Swedish Contemporary Bible
Faith Comes By Hearing
The New Testament - Swedish - 1998 Stiftelsen Svenska Folkbibeln
Faith Comes By Hearing
The New Testament - Swedish - 2015 Stiftelsen Svenska Folkbibeln
Faith Comes By Hearing
Hymns - Swedish
Broadcast audio/video
Who is God? - Swedish
Who Is God?
Thru the Bible Swedish Podcast
Thru The Bible
HARLIGHETENS KONUNG (King of Glory) - Swedish
Rock International
Renewal of All Things - Swedish
WGS Ministries
John 3:1-21 - Bible 2000
The Lumo Project