Hello! Welcome. What you are about to hear are some of the most important words you will ever hear. It is good news for everyone.

LLL 6 JESUS - Teacher & Healer (Laq hmơq & hadiuq 6) in Roglai, Southern

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Rùp 1: Yàc Je-su pơto pơđar vual-vơla (Picture 1. Jesus Teaches the People)
Rùp 1: Yàc Je-su pơto pơđar vual-vơla (Picture 1. Jesus Teaches the People)
303 kB
 1′ 9″
Rùp 2: Dua voh sàc (Picture 2. The Two Houses)
Rùp 2: Dua voh sàc (Picture 2. The Two Houses)
306 kB
 1′ 11″
Rùp 3: Kơyua mưng đeng nữn dơgrữq mơnuĩh ròq iãq bôh (Picture 3. A Light Should be Seen)
Rùp 3: Kơyua mưng đeng nữn dơgrữq mơnuĩh ròq iãq bôh (Picture 3. A Light Should be Seen)
329 kB
 1′ 21″
Rùp 4: Sa aràc mơnuĩh Rô-ma poh sa aràc mơnuĩh Ju-đa (Picture 4. A Roman Beats a Jew)
Rùp 4: Sa aràc mơnuĩh Rô-ma poh sa aràc mơnuĩh Ju-đa (Picture 4. A Roman Beats a Jew)
318 kB
 1′ 17″
Rùp 5: iơu lơkơu sì Yàc Pô Lơngĩq (Picture 5. Praying to God)
Rùp 5: iơu lơkơu sì Yàc Pô Lơngĩq (Picture 5. Praying to God)
338 kB
 1′ 19″
Rùp 6: Mơnuĩh iãh dràq rỡq (Picture 6. Evil Men Sow Weeds)
Rùp 6: Mơnuĩh iãh dràq rỡq (Picture 6. Evil Men Sow Weeds)
363 kB
 1′ 26″
Rùp 7: Yàc Je-su sì anàq lơđeh tìt (Picture 7. Jesus and the Children)
Rùp 7: Yàc Je-su sì anàq lơđeh tìt (Picture 7. Jesus and the Children)
347 kB
 1′ 21″
Rùp 8: Mơnuĩh dlãc avo sì anàq avo (Picture 8. The Shepherd and the Sheep)
Rùp 8: Mơnuĩh dlãc avo sì anàq avo (Picture 8. The Shepherd and the Sheep)
297 kB
 1′ 8″
Rùp 9: Mơnuĩh halôt ôh anĩt anar (Picture 9. The Unforgiving Servant)
Rùp 9: Mơnuĩh halôt ôh anĩt anar (Picture 9. The Unforgiving Servant)
337 kB
 1′ 22″
Rùp 10: Mơnuĩh ngãq tồq mãq jin (Picture 10. Workers Receive Their Pay)
Rùp 10: Mơnuĩh ngãq tồq mãq jin (Picture 10. Workers Receive Their Pay)
395 kB
 1′ 42″
Rùp 11: Lơmã mơnuĩh kamơi dòq lơniãu bãc (Picture 11. Five Women Outside the Door)
Rùp 11: Lơmã mơnuĩh kamơi dòq lơniãu bãc (Picture 11. Five Women Outside the Door)
425 kB
 1′ 46″
Rùp 12: Mơnuĩh pô sì dơgrữq mơnuĩh halôt (Picture 12. The Master and His Servants)
Rùp 12: Mơnuĩh pô sì dơgrữq mơnuĩh halôt (Picture 12. The Master and His Servants)
364 kB
 1′ 29″
Rùp 13: Yàc Je-su ngãq bãp-tem (Picture 13. Jesus is Baptized)
Rùp 13: Yàc Je-su ngãq bãp-tem (Picture 13. Jesus is Baptized)
408 kB
 1′ 35″
Rùp 14: Yàc Je-su duãt rơwah mơnuĩh mơgru (Picture 14. Jesus Calls Helpers)
Rùp 14: Yàc Je-su duãt rơwah mơnuĩh mơgru (Picture 14. Jesus Calls Helpers)
363 kB
 1′ 24″
Rùp 15: Mơnuĩh ruãq kao (Picture 15. A Man with Leprosy)
Rùp 15: Mơnuĩh ruãq kao (Picture 15. A Man with Leprosy)
267 kB
 1′ 7″
Rùp 16: Mơnuĩh trôt mưng acho sàc (Picture 16. A Man Comes Through the Roof)
Rùp 16: Mơnuĩh trôt mưng acho sàc (Picture 16. A Man Comes Through the Roof)
330 kB
 1′ 14″
Rùp 17: Yàc Je-su pơkhơih mơnuĩh krao tơngãn (Picture 17. Jesus Heals a Man's Hand)
Rùp 17: Yàc Je-su pơkhơih mơnuĩh krao tơngãn (Picture 17. Jesus Heals a Man's Hand)
419 kB
 1′ 46″
Rùp 18: Yàc Je-su ngãq ga rơvùq kađữc rĩc (Picture 18. Jesus Calms a Storm)
Rùp 18: Yàc Je-su ngãq ga rơvùq kađữc rĩc (Picture 18. Jesus Calms a Storm)
325 kB
 1′ 14″
Rùp 19: Mơnuĩh kamơi dòq dơlãp tơpuôl mơnuĩh lu (Picture 19. A Woman in the Crowd)
Rùp 19: Mơnuĩh kamơi dòq dơlãp tơpuôl mơnuĩh lu (Picture 19. A Woman in the Crowd)
386 kB
 1′ 29″
Rùp 20: Yàc Je-su sì anàq kamơi dòq blơ song mơtai (Picture 20. Jesus and the Dead Child)
Rùp 20: Yàc Je-su sì anàq kamơi dòq blơ song mơtai (Picture 20. Jesus and the Dead Child)
332 kB
 1′ 18″
Rùp 21: Yàc Je-su sì mơnuĩh kamơi pơjeh pơtiàt lơniãu (Picture 21. Jesus and the Foreign Woman)
Rùp 21: Yàc Je-su sì mơnuĩh kamơi pơjeh pơtiàt lơniãu (Picture 21. Jesus and the Foreign Woman)
353 kB
 1′ 27″
Rùp 22: Yàc Je-su sì mơnuĩh tơngoh kamlo (Picture 22. Jesus and the Deaf and Dumb Man)
Rùp 22: Yàc Je-su sì mơnuĩh tơngoh kamlo (Picture 22. Jesus and the Deaf and Dumb Man)
262 kB
 1′ 2″
Rùp 23: Yàc Je-su pơkhơi mơnuĩh vồp (Picture 23. Jesus Makes a Blind Man See)
Rùp 23: Yàc Je-su pơkhơi mơnuĩh vồp (Picture 23. Jesus Makes a Blind Man See)
268 kB
 1′ 2″
Rùp 24: Yàc Je-su pơsồq pơkhơih sa aràc anàq tìt kađòc kamlai ãp (Picture 24. Jesus Heals a Boy with a Demon)
Rùp 24: Yàc Je-su pơsồq pơkhơih sa aràc anàq tìt kađòc kamlai ãp (Picture 24. Jesus Heals a Boy with a Demon)
383 kB
 1′ 32″